Art historian Kees Kaldenbach,"scholar in action"* Active in Outreach. Sharing knowledge and passion.
HOT NEWS 2016: Little Street location found
Swedish sometimes sounds like Dutch.
In Dutch: Publicatielijst in het Nederlands.
Biography of the author.
BBC television: The madness of Vermeer - Secret lives of the artists. Interviewer Andrew Graham -Dixon. Now on Youtube. At the exact time of 35 minutes, 39 seconds the interviewer interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon parks the bike and enters my home… what you do not see in the image is the rest of the crew: lights, sound, cameraman, continuity, the director… and the item was surprisingly filmed at my home in one take. Thanks to Andrew's quality of asking the right questions at the right moment. Beforehand I had to clean up my desk, though.
For sale: Valuable vintage photos 1890, 1923, 1952. vintage photographs.html
Public Speaking engagements.
Drs Kees Kaldenbach is available as archival researcher, and journalistic researcher, fact checker, fact finder.
Two complete unpublished manuscripts offered here. One about Vermeer & Delft and the other about Mozart's life & travels in Europe.
Album Amicorum, 18th C by Koerten Blok
Download a 9 minute film on Drs Kaldenbach life as art historian and masseur as shown on Dutch national TV. This TV programme on Dutch national TV on Kees Kaldenbach as masseur and
art historian. NPS Nederland 2, Saturday, November 25 2006. A 9 minute Movie on Vals Plat
To the right: the author, al fresco, in the sculpture garden at the Kröller Müller National Park, in front of the Forbidden Stairway. Photo by Jim Kaplan, 2007.
Some questions immediately pop up here. What is this Forbidden Starway? Why is it there in the first place? Why does it have no hand rails? Did somebody fall down the stairs and with what consequence? Does the project and its closure for safety reasons express thoughts about museum politics and physical security? What would you have done if you were the director of this park?
Drs. Kees Kaldenbach has been interviewed by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and has been featured in television art programmes by BBC2 and BBC3, and by the Japanese, Danish and Dutch national TV networks.
As a result of 10 months of archival study: these articles were published on 12 November, 2014
Full Mannheimer article 9200 words, without notes, or a separate PDF included with 130 notes.
A nasty article on Mannheimer in the German Army Magazine Signal, 1940
Mannheimer buying from Russian museums, who were forced to sell by order of Stalin
Mannheimer art as Jewish property
Mannheimer art distributed in Dutch museums (outside the Rijksmuseum)
Mannheimer art collection, nearly entirely perished in the London Blitz
Mannheimer art in museums outside Holland
Notes in Dutch: diverse aantekeningen in het Rijksarchief
An exquisite fold-out desk by Roentgen
To the right: the Museum travel guide, just published in Dutch in 2008.
Kees Kaldenbach is owner and webmaster of, the largest multimedia Vermeer web site in the world. This site contains the Digital Vermeer House, built in cooperation with the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, and many other multimedia pages well worth experiencing. It is a clean web site without popups or ads.
In 2004 and 2005 he was advisor and teacher in the interdisciplinary summer programme at Emerson University, Castle Well (Limburg, The Netherlands) in which he taught students to build a web site on the fine art they personally visited in Bruges and Venice.
During three years he was an active member of the Contents Committee preparing for the multimedia Vermeer Center in Delft. Member of that Think Tank since 2001. Center opened in spring, 2007.
was co-founder of Art
Historians on the Web <AHW> (2002) and chair of one of
its committees, Digital
Image Technology Group <AHW-DIT>. Before that, in 2000-2001
he was co-Chairman of the Digital Teaching Committee of the now
defunct Art
History Webmasters Association AHWA/AWHA.
Kees is also member of the Art History Technology Consortium (AHTC) and of the society Art Historians interested in Pedagogy and Technology (AHPT).
Currently he is a visiting member of the University of Amsterdam Gouden Eeuw Colloquium [Golden Age Colloquium] which meets once a month for lectures and discussion. Has lectured there in 2009 on how to market the Dutch Golden Age.
He is supporting member of the Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA), list member of Consortium for Art and Architectural Historians (CAAH), member of the Association for Art History (AAH) and member of the International Society For Mathematical And Computational Aesthetics (ISMCA).
He is chairman of CATON, the Circle of Academic Tour Guides in The Netherlands and Flanders.
He is available for lectures worldwide. In April, 2007 he gave a series of art lectures in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and was interviewed that week by a CNN reporter in the CNN Atlanta studios. In November, 2007 he lectured for the Marcel Proust society.
He is also available for lectures for travelling groups, on luxury ocean cruise liners, for private functions and on private yachts. He has been vetted by the management of luxury cruise liners. Cruise lectures in 2007 (Skandinavia), 2008 (Meditarranean), 2009 (Skandinavia, Russia), 2010 (Mediterranean including Egypt).
See articles on Kees Kaldenbach's Author's publication list in English or Publication list in Dutch. A Biography of the author.
An article about a Vermeer Virtual Reality project in Delft University of Technology, 2001.
Warning against Vivaticket, Italy.
Private Art tours
Vermeer / Rembrandt / Van Gogh / Full menu of Private Art Tours. Guided walking tours to Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden, Haarlem, Alkmaar, Monnickendam/Edam, Gouda, Rotterdam and other historic towns. Private car available.
See Amsterdam in 1842 (Map with dots indicating where the high and mighty lived in Amsterdam, in the seventeenth century)
At Academica Translations I offer office assistance and a high speed academic level translation service. Super fast academic quality translations:
Dutch -> English;
English -> Dutch;
German -> Dutch or English.
Fine tuning, polishing, and editorial service.
Supersnelle vertaaldienst Nederlands - Engels; Engels naar Nederlands; Duits naar Nederlands of Engels en daarbij ook - desgewenst - redactionele dienstverlening.
Drs. Kees Kaldenbach (1953) received his graduate degree in art history in 1987 at the Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit (Free University). He lives in Amsterdam where he publishes on the fine arts in The Netherlands from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. At present, he is active as an independent scholar and as tour guide.
Current fields of interest, not in any particular order of importance:
I like exploring the edge between art history and digital technology (witness this rather extensive web site consisting of some 2000 separate items) , general history, museology, cartography and mapmaking (see Amsterdam in 1560 ; 1662; 1882 ; 1905, architecture, non-fiction writing, webmastering, spirituality, biodanza, Peter Struycken, Dutch literature, especially the author Gerard Reve, Judaism, encyclopedic knowledge, Apple Macintosh, Virtual Reality.
Fagel conference, Dublin, 2008.
Music! quite some taste for music, spanning the horizon from early classical music via Bach to Mozart, The Ring by Richard Wagner and the Four Last Songs by Richard Strauss. Pop music from the Beatles, Beach Boys, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash & Neil Young CSNY to Queen / Freddy Mercury and and the Dutch singer/songwriter team Boudewijn de Groot / Lennaert Nijgh. Not to forget Jacques Brel, - and I am a major fan of Leonard Cohen and... etc. The sound track of my life. Soud food.
Finally some comic relief & some general interest & light footed articles such as 'Changing views on drugs (and sex) in Amsterdam' then also hands-on German technology in Lookenpeepers. A pressing need for Lebensraum in a c. 1910 German Military Invasion Staff Map. Buckle up for a 1660's Pre-flight Instruction and enjoy Professor Stratz' 1922 classy edel-pornography on a wissenschaftliche scientific basis. Lousy cell phones provided by Orange. Students in Dutch language often hate Dutch Verbs! Cuddle in Dutch. Cuddle up in English. I give classes in web site design and HTML and Google optimisation. Interest in maps and atlases. Blaeu, also Vienna. See how I got 117 paints on Scrabble in one word.
own far too many books and I am presently clearing
out my attic / zolderopruiming.
Basically, deep down, underneath all of the other stuff, I am a nice guy and don't mind lending out my arts and crafts and do-it-yourself tools. For a small fee and a security deposit payment.
Adriaen Coorte, by Quentin Buvelot, book & exhibition catalogue.
De Grote Rembrandt, door Gary Schwartz, boek.
Geschiedenis van Alkmaar, boek.
Carel Fabritius, Tentoonstellingscatalogus.
Frans van Mieris, Tentoonstellingscatalogus.
From Rembrandt to Vermeer, Grove Art catalogue, book.
Vermeer Studies, Congresbundel.
C. Willemijn Fock: Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld, boek.
Het Huwelijksgeschenk (1934), boek over de egoïstische vrouw, die haar luiheid botviert.
Zandvliet, 250 De Rijksten van de Gouden Eeuw , boek + nieuwe stippenplattegrond!
Ik doe wat ik doe, teksten van Lennaert Nijgh , boek + cd
Het Rotterdam Boek, boek.
Bouwen in Nederland 600 - 2000, boek.
Hollandse Stadsgezichten/ Dutch Cityscape, exhib. cat.
TEFAF 2008 art fair
I have written a series of philosophical columns in Dutch magazines. Initually a series for De Humanist. Here also a series from Innovator.
I also published Art History deep Source publications
Full text of Philip Angel, Lof der Schilder-konst, Leiden 1642.
Full text of Delft section of Obreen list of Delft Guild members (clickable).
Album Amicorum, 18th C by Koerten Blok
Some maps from the Atlas Blaeu - Van der Hem, UNESCO heritage, in Vienna, go to main Van der Hem Atlas page
BBC 4 TV programme shoot in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, March 28, 2013 just before the formal opening. Kaldenbach in red jacket. Behind the middle cameraman interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon. The director approaching from the right.
BBC television: The madness of Vermeer - Secret lives of the artists. Interviewer Andrew Graham -Dixon. Now on Youtube. At the exact time of 35 minutes, 39 seconds the interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon parks the bike and enters my home. What you do not see in the movie is the rest of the crew: lights, sound, cameraman, continuity, the director. The item was surprisingly filmed at my home in one take. Thanks to Andrew's quality of asking the right questions at the right moment. Beforehand I had to clean up my desk, though.
In the middle: daughter Suzanne, who has not been there 12 years, Kees Kaldenbach and interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon.
Google: Kaldenbach Rijksmuseum
Highlights of my projects
In 1997 the first part of this art history homepage Johannes Vermeer's View of Delft, a guided tour appeared. This painting is analyzed and a rich portfolio of related material is revealed. The portfolio contains an amazing documentary collection of cityscapes, profiles and maps, photographically reproduced and annotated by me in the 1970's and now kept in the Mauritshuis museum library. This documentary collection is so astoundingly varied and detailed that the 17th and 18th. C. shape of this area can be fully recreated, both visually and topographically. Thus the re-creation of a convincing 17th.C. birds' eye map and aerial flight by computer animation technology has become possible.
My walk through historical drawings has also been realized with the help the Delft Polytechnic University / Delft University of Technology. See four Quick-time movies showing these walks through the very gates Vermeer depicts in the View of Delft.
A state of the art project finished in 2003 is the Digital Vermeer House, allowing you to visit the painter's home and browse through his private posessions. Visit Vermeer's home and the artist's studio on Oude Langendijk, Delft. Full floor plans, sections and elevations - and a full pictorial inventory most of the objects mentioned in the 1676 inventory ; presentation in 3D Virtual Reality. Go to and Click on the yellow Johannes Vermeer menu.
From 1997 onwards this ever expanding web site was developed by Kees Kaldenbach. In January, 2002 the revamping of this website and clickable image maps of Delft were executed by Henry Snoek.
Publicatielijst in het Nederlands.
A place to stay in Johannesburg - SA
My dentist creates a permanent crown in 3 minutes
Ultima Coaching door Alyona Shyslovska. PR pagina
New in November 2012: Presenting a ground breaking and "terrifically exciting" 11,000 word article on MASSAGE & SEXUALITY, published on November 3, 2012 in a Sexuology yearbook - on the internationally controversial topic of Massage & Sexuality. Book title: "Human Sexuality and Intimate Relationships from an Integral, Transpersonal and Somatic (Sexological) Perspective" Edited by Dr Tara Long.
Research and copyright by Kaldenbach. A full presentation is on view at
Fagel conference, Dublin, 2008.
LUXURY BOOKS for sale:
Duc du Berry, XXL facsimile, belles-riches-heures.html
Folio book book club, 8 luxury bibliophile books in slipcover, foliobooks-bibliophile.html
XXL Vingboons atlas, Dutch East India Company, Number 272 out of 1000 printed. An Atlas of maps, facsimile in full size, VOC Kaarten Vingboons atlas.
Only 1000 copies printed, this is number 272, numbered in the back, very beautifully bound, and embossed, single face fine printing, luxurious slipcover.
As insert in back pocket: scientific notes by J. Van Bracht. Atlas and insert and slipcover in Perfect condition.
Publisher: Fibula van Dishoek,
Price quotations below: between E 390 and E 600. Make me an offer I cannot refuse.
*For the phrase "scholar in action" coined by Ivan Gaskell, Vermeer's Wager, London, 2000 p. 196.
- Last updated 18 May 2019-
Research and copyright by Kees Kaldenbach. A full presentation is on view at