High quality linguist active for in-country translations and translation solutions, also editing and transforming texts into well-polished English or Dutch - submitted and delivered by e-mail - within the hour, half day, or within a few days - depending on the amount of text. This team is native Dutch and Native English.
English to Dutch (Engels -> Nederlands). Source language English. Target language Dutch. By Drs. Kees, born in The Netherlands. Dutch native speaker, Dutch mother tongue.
Dutch to English (Nederlands -> Engels). Source language Dutch. Target language English. Target language Dutch. Prepared by Drs. Kees, born in The Netherlands & double checked by native speaker Brenda, born in the USA, whose mother tongue is English.
German to Dutch or German to English (Duits -Nederlands, Duits -> Engels). Source language German. Target language Dutch or English. By Kees, born in The Netherlands. Speaks German / Deutsch since he was 10 years old.
Specialty translations for personal use and business use, specifically in small businesses.
Key words: translations, web contents, dutch, english, german, deutsch, arts, fine arts, architecture, culture, history, art history, styles, periods, museums, cultural exhibitions, art exhibitions, art projects,
business, real estate, contracts,
technical, specifications, technology,
lifestyle, well-being, wellness, bodywork, massage,
pop music, history of music, sixties, seventies, eighties, Mozart, Wagner.
language, academic,level, files, interpreter, translator, translations, fast, neat, expert, swift, clever, quick, speedy, bright, fashionable, worldly, minded, rapid, priority, precedence, Urgent, good, reliable,services, projects, speed, speedtranslations, very, fast, urgent, translations, Academica, academic, level, speed, projects, translation, bureau, office, Amsterdam, Holland, Dutch, translator, translation, Holland, Netherlands, by email, Internet, hour, day, scientist, scientific, cultural.
I also translate legal contracts and commercial texts as in: the buying or sale of real estate, the foundation documents of an Incorporated private enterprise, Chamber of Commerce papers, notary public official documents.
The legalisation of my translation is done in two steps. Step 1: At the office of a local Notary public I present both the original text and my translation plus a letter plus my passport and signature. The notary cost of oficially accepting my signature is about E 25 to E 55 + my time investment of about 60 minutes in waiting + travel time. Step 2: At the local court house I get an extra certificate or apostille. Cost about E 20 + my time investment of about 10 minutes plus travel time. Then I will send the material both by mail or by FedEx.
Please note that I do not do official legal or sworn translations; I have NOT studied law and am NOT a lawyer or official or certified court translator. Instead, I am a layman who uses his fine brain. The quality of my translation is certified in my letter stating that I have made a full, truthful and correct translation of the legal document. In practice my work is accepted by most Notary Public, Chambers of Commerce, Embassies etc.
Specialty! For Music & Opera materials, including opera libretti and English subtitles, I cooperate with Yale-educated translators in the USA. These translators are professional musicians with Music and Liberal Arts degrees, who also translate regularly in the fields of journalism, literature, fashion, marketing, and finance.
Dutch to Spanish (Holandés - Español ; Nederlands -> Spaans) By Latin American born translator Carmen.
Spanish to Dutch (Spaans -> Nederlands ; Español - Holandés ) By Latin American born translator Carmen.
FB: Private Art Tours, Amsterdam + Holland
FB: Academica Translations, Amsterdam
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Urgent work executed as Freelance agent. Urgent assignments, last minute reserach jobs.
Temporary Officeman & Gother & Legwork, to solve your immediate, urgent problems, jobs lasting 1 hour, 1 day, 1 night 1 weekend or more... fast, reliable, intelligent, at competetive prices.
Editing of text in Dutch & English
High speed editing, copywriting and text polishing. We clarify your contents and ensure sucessful communication.
Our final English text versions are checked by a native English speaker.
E-mail Drs. Kees Kaldenbach, Please
provide a telephone number as well, this makes it easy to clarify points.
Home address Kees Kaldenbach, kalden@xs4all.nl Haarlemmermeerstraat 83hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam (near Surinameplein, ring road s106, tram 1 en 17). Open seven days a week. tel NL+ 20 669 8119; cell NL+6 - 2868 9775.
Academica translations is a subsidiary company of of Lichaam & Ziel (Body & Soul) registered at the Chamber of Commerce KvK Amsterdam.
Happy Customers | Type of translation | Response / Delivery time |
De Waag Society, Amsterdam | IT / Multimedia Report. December 2005. |
Delivery within 4 hours. "I just reviewed the document you delivered.
I am very happy with the |
Hydrothane BV, Belgium | Series of commercial reports and letters. November - December 2005. |
Delivery within 1 or 2 days. Many repeat assignments |
Immy, Brazil | Legal Eagle stuff, October 2005 |
Delivery within 2 days. |
Dr. Eggo Müller, Utrecht | Article for a scientific magazine, editing and polishing of the English text. January, 2006. |
"Dear Mr. Kaldenbach, Delivery within half a day. |
Heemstra Interim Mangement, Bussum | Legal sale contract for a house in Germany, Dutch translation. February, 2006. | "Your translation has just arrived in good shape, thanks." |
www.simplesite.com, Copenhagen, Denmark | Advertisements text and search word list. Final work delivered within half an hour. March, 2006. | "Yes, I am very happy with the work! It was indeed high-speed and looks really fine, but the general idea of variation and lots of search patterns was perfectly executed." |
Employee of a Tap Water Company, Mr. K.K. | Translation N-E. May, 2006. | "You may quote me was VERY CONTENT client because you were FAST and PROFESSIONAL!" Delivery within 1 hour. |
Liesbeth Bunschoten | Translation of a German purchase contract into Dutch: Notary public contract for purchasing a house in Germany. August, 2006 | "Dear Mr Kees Kaldenbach, Thanks for the fast translation of this quite difficult contract. (...) the translation looks good. Thanks. Kind regards, Liesbeth Bunschoten |
Michael Guilfoyle, Dublin | Translation English into Dutch of a Thesis summary. | "Thank you for doing this job so quickly. It's a great relief to me." Michael. |
Peters & Konings | Translation of German purchase contract into Dutch: Notary public contract for purchasing a house in Germany. August, 2006 | "Thanks for your very fast and good translation. We are very grateful for your services.". |
ING Real Estate Finance, Den Haag | A six-page CEO document translated within half a day. 2008. | "Thank you so much for your fast work. We will certainly consider you for our preferred supplier list." |
Anne Frank Huis | Series of museum exhibition translations | "Thanks!" |
Cruise ship company | Hundreds of text files on tourism, cruise destination, towns etc. | Very satisfied. |
A large English industrial firm. October 2010. A last minute job took up an entire weekend. Stacks of English to Dutch paperwork needed to be meticulously prepared for a EU office in Brussels. A multi-million Euro project saved by last minute work. |
2010. Thousands of pages of technical text. Ordered by Robert, the CEO. | "I can thoroughly recommend Kees as a fast and accurate translator at competitive rates. In addition he has a great ‘can do’ attitude and is comfortable with meeting tight deadlines. He saved the day for us when nobody else would commit to the short lead time.” |
Urgent assignment of about 5000 words, Dutch to English. Delivery within 13 hours. | 2012. Architect office in Amsterdam, project description for design of a large building in Amsterdam- Sloterdijk. | "Thank you !" |
A complete book about Robitics | 2013. | |
& many many more, in 2011 and 2012 ! | 2014. Translation of a small official statement. With this translation to the Notary Public for a signature confirmation, then to the Court house for an international Apostille, then on to deliver it to the client. All in 2 hours time. My competitor asked for E 300. I did the job for E 120. | "Hello Many thanks for your extraordinary service. In one day done and delivered to my home address and all that at a reasonable price. Wishing you a lot of success Rabbi Pinchas in Amsterdam" |
Kees Kaldenbach is co-founder of Art Historians on the Web <AHW> (2002) and is chair of one of its committees, Digital Image Technology Group <AHW-DIT>. Before that, in 2000-2001 he was co-Chairman of the Digital Teaching Committee of the Art History Webmasters Association AHWA/AWHA. He is also member of the Art History Technology Consortium (AHTC) and of the society Art Historians interested in Pedagogy and Technology (AHPT). Currently he is a visiting member of the University of Amsterdam Gouden Eeuw Colloquium [Golden Age Colloquium] which meets once a month for lectures. He is supporting member of the Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA), list member of Consortium for Art and Architectural Historians (CAAH), member of the Association for Art History (AAH) and member of the International Society For Mathematical And Computational Aesthetics (ISMCA).
Kees Kaldenbach writes. See his publication list in English
Research and copyright by Kaldenbach. A full presentation is on view at www.xs4all.nl/~kalden/
- updated 8 August, 2016 -