Go to Dutch version / Nederlandse versie.
Visit the Bosch-exhibition, 2016.
Breaking news: Radio interview in Dutch, Dutch national radio, November 19, 2015.
'Vermeer's View of Delft and His Vision of Reality' in: Artibus et Historiae 6 (1982) pp. 9-35. This article was written in collaboration with Dr. Arthur K. Wheelock Jr, curator of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.and has been widely cited.
'Perspective Views' in: Print Quarterly (June 1985) pp. 86-104. Subsequently this article has appeared in a Japanse translation at Kobe Museum, Japan). My study was originally published in two parts in a Dutch magazine on book history, 'De optica, een leerzaam kijkvermaak' and 'Opticaprenten, uitgevers, graveurs, tekenaars' both in: De Boekenwereld part 1 (January 1985) pp. 2-12 and part 2 (March 1985) pp. 4-12.
'Abraham Rademaker, nieuwe biografische gegevens en een verkenning van zijn getekende werk' (New Biographical Data and a Survey of his Drawings) in Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, achttiende eeuwse kunst in de Nederlanden, Delft 1987, pp. 165-176.
A study on the drawings collected by Joanna Koerten: "Tekeningen uit het album amicorum (Stamboek) van Joanna Koerten Blok. (1650-1715)" (Amsterdam 1988). In Dutch only.
Pilgrimage Through Life; Travelling in the Footsteps of Vincent van Gogh', Amsterdam, 1990. This book also appeared simultaneously in a Dutch version: 'Pelgrimstocht door het leven; Reizen in de voetsporen van Vincent van Gogh ', Amsterdam, 1990. These two books are a combination of art history and historical cartography. Contributions by Michel Didier. See the excerpt of about 20 historical maps on this home page www.xs4all.nl/~kalden
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a Life (an unpublished book manuscript) based on several major biographies and the full text book set of Mozart's Collected Letters (published in German). Historical image material from the archives and museums of Salzburg and Vienna has been added. Note: This manuscript awaits a publisher (possibly a book or CD-rom or DVD-publisher). One of the promising items is an extremely large and detailed 18th Century figurative city plan of Vienna, from the collection of the Austrian National Library (Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek). A full size copy of this print is in the archive of the author. Compare the Birds' Eye Flight of Delft! Possibilities for a succesful DVD or CDrom and creating an interactive Vienna & Mozart world are truly exciting.
'Iconologie, het kind en het badwater' in Lier en boog, tijdschrift voor Esthetica en Cultuurfilosofie, vol 7 nr 2 (1991) 98-104. Book review of Jan Baptist Bedaux, The reality of symbols, Gary Schwarz, SDU, Den Haag / Maarssen, 1990.
'Een wandeling door het Gezicht op Delft' (A Walk Through the View of Delft) published in the special Vermeer exhibition newspaper which was printed by the Haagsche Courant (March-May 1996) and handed out at the great Vermeer exhibition in The Hague.
Trudy Klaver: mijn leven (My Life- see excerpts). This book was produced by a typesetter in Desk Top Publishing for private family use. Published in Alkmaar 1997. I took care of editorial work on both text and images and management of the DTP book production, being the son of the author Trudy Klaver.
This internet site on Vermeer etc. was built, expanded and maintained.
1999: 3D project, with the Delft University of Technology:
Ein Flug uber die 'Ansicht von Delft' : Jan Vermeers Meisterwerk von 1660 als virtuelle Welt, Herausgegeben von Weltkunst, 1999, Vol. 69, Heft 1, p. 308-310.
A book review of Vermeer Studies in the Delftse Courant, September 1999. It is in Dutch only. 'Intensief kijken naar Vermeer - naar aanleiding van Vermeer Studies'.
'Ein Flug über die "Ansicht von Delft", Jan Vermeers Meisterwerk von 1660 als virtuelle Welt' in: Weltkunst Verlag München : München, Datum: 1999, Heft 2, p. 308-310.
ISBN-ISSN: 0043-261-X
Vermeer: Allegory of Catholic Faith. What is presented, point by point? The Digital Vermeer House, your only chance in a lifetime to enter his home and see his inventory. Dali on Vermeer. Funny man, weird ideas. Location of Vermeer's Birth House Location of the Little Street house by Vermeer Vermeer, Perception and Neuroscience, a large study into brain functions when seeing Vermeer Ships seen on View of Delft 3D Flight above Delft 1660 3D walk South Gates in 4 movies, click on the 4 painters easels! 3D walk along the South Gates of Delft 1660, the making of this project explained This page shows a full overview, 30 years of Art History publications.
Childbirth and Midwives in Delft. The first professional group for female midwives.
The ships in View of Delft;
lading to the most exact dating of this painting ever published.
This article describes the ships on Vermeer's View of Delft
and discusses various implications the newly found historical
information. The article is in Dutch but here on Internet www.xs4all.nl/~kalden/
where you will also find a summary.
The original magazine publication is in Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, Vol. 19 nr. 1 (April) 2000: "Trekschuiten, haringbuizen en vrachtschepen op Vermeers Gezicht op Delft". In 2001 a reprint has appeared in Historisch Jaarboek voor Delft, the year book of the Historische Vereniging Delfia Batavorum.
'A 3D Flight over Vermeer's Delft in 1660', extended abstract in Leonardo, Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, vol 33, nr. 1, 2000, p. 59.
Expanding Vermeer's 1660 painting "The View of Delft" into a 3D Virtual Reality flight over Delft and a QuickTime "Walk Through Drawings of The View of Delft Area". Lecture and Computer Demonstration presented during the CIHA conference, London 2000. Published in the Proceedings, on the Internet.
'Het Straatje van Johannes Vermeer: Nieuwe Langendijk 24-26? Een kunsthistorische visie op een archeologisch en bouwhistorisch onderzoek' in Bulletin KNOB (Koninklijk Nederlandse Oudheidkundige Bond), Vol. 99 nr. 5-6, november-december 2000 p. 239-249. The contents of this article is not valid anymore as Prof. Grijzenhout published findings on 19 november 2015. The correct address is Vlamingstraat canal 40-42.
Subsequently in 2002 a German version has appeared:' ">>Die kleine Strasse<< von Johannes Vermeer: Nieuwe Langendijk Nr. 22-26? Ein kunstgeschichtlicher Blick auf eine archäologische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchung" in Die Denkmalpflege, I-2002. English readers see the English internet version on this precise location of The Little Street which has now been determined. Caveat! The contents of this article is not valid anymore as Prof. Grijzenhout published findings on 19 november 2015. The correct address is Vlamingstraat canal 40-42.
An article about a Vermeer Virtual Reality project in Delft University of Technology, 2001.
of Seventeenth-Century Delft with Locations of Major Monuments and
Addresses of Artists
and Patrons' in Walter Liedtke (ed.), Vermeer and the Delft
School, exhibition catalogue, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City and Yale University Press, New Haven, p. 557-565. This
article was severely abridged. The full encyclopedic text - ever
updated and expanded - is now on internet www.xs4all.nl/~kalden/.
A large historical pinpoint map with full caption list. Title in Dutch: Johannes Vermeer en de DELFTse school. Woonhuizen van Delftse kunstenaars en kunstverzamelaars uit de zeventiende eeuw in kaart gebracht, Sijthoff pers, Rijswijk, 2001. This map appeared in Dutch both as a large high quality print and as a newspaper print in the Delftsche Courant, 31 March 2001. Full colour map which is available from the author - in a limited print run.
Another separate limited print English edition of this map exists, published in Amsterdam: Johannes Vermeer and the DELFT school, a chart of Homes of Delft Artists and Patrons in the Seventeenth Century, Amsterdam, 2001. This beautifully printed large wall map may be ordered here.
A quick time walk through the south gates of Delft - Quick-time movie showing a walk through the gates, depicted by Vermeer in the View of Delft. This epoch making project was supported and executed by the Department of Industrial Design of the faculty OCP (Design Engineering and Production) of the Delft University of Technology.
Book review of Grove Dictionary from Rembrandt to Vermeer. Published in Visual Resources, fall 2001. Book title "From Rembrandt to Vermeer, 17th-century Dutch Artists" edited by Jane Turner, published in the The Grove Dictionary of Art series, GroveArt, St Martin's Press, New York City, 2000.
C. Willemijn Fock: Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld, 1600-1900 Waanders, Zwolle, 2001. Book review in Dutch in de Delftsche Courant, 30 Maart 2002.
Internet re-publication of Obreen 1877. Fully searchable complete text of the 1877 Obreen publication of the Guild Book of Delft Master Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, Faience Potters etc. in the seventeenth century. See www.xs4all.nl/~kalden/ and click the the tab Artists & patrons.
>>Die kleine Strasse<< von Johannes Vermeer: Nieuwe Langendijk 22-26? Ein kunstgeschichtlicher Blick auf eine archaeologische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchung. Herausgegeben 1/ 2002 in: Die Denkmalpflege, 60. Jahrgang. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.The contents of this artcicle is not valid anymore as Prof. Grijzenhout published findings on 19 november 2015. The correct address is Vlamingstraat canal 40-41.
The Genesis of a Wall Chart on the Cultural Heritage of Seventeenth-Century Delft: Johannes Vermeer and the Delft School: a Chart of Homes of Delft Artists and Patrons in the Seventeenth Century. Visual Resources, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, september 2002.
Book review in Dutch of the bodywork book on love and body: by Piet Weisfelt, Hoe heb ik je lief - over liefde, intimiteit en seksualiteit. Uitgeverij Nelissen, Soest 2002, 436 pagina's.
Photo by BBC director Roger Parsons, during a BBC interview, aired on BBC-2 SATURDAY 29th March, 2003 at 7 PM London time. The interviewer is Andrew Graham-Dixon. He has grown to become the art pope after 2012.
BBC television: The madness of Vermeer - Secret lives of the artists. Interviewer Andrew Graham -Dixon. Now on Youtube. At the exact time of 35 minutes, 39 seconds the interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon parks the bike and enters my home. What you do not see in the movie is the rest of the crew: lights, sound, cameraman, continuity, the director. The item was surprisingly filmed at my home in one take. Thanks to Andrew's quality of asking the right questions at the right moment. Beforehand I had to clean up my desk, though.
Internet opening of Vermeer's House and Studio at Oude Langendijk, Delft. Plans and elevations, complete inventory of all objects; presentation in 3D Virtual Reality. Grand Opening 17 januari 2003. Go to my site and click Vermeer in the yellow field on top.
'Renaissance Art, a CG re-creation lets viewers get up close and personal with a unique 15th-century masterpiece' [review of a CD-ROM on Van Eyck, the Adoration of the Lamb, Ghent Cathedral]. in Computer Graphics World, February 2004. Electronic version of this article.
New DVD on the Van Eyck "Ghent Altarpiece", in: 15 Jahre. Computer. Art. Faszination. Dot-verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2004. See also www.dot-online.de
Updates in web site www.johannesvermeer.info
Talk in Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts, KNAW. "Art History research welded into Internet multimedia programs." This Research Gallery Lecture was organised by the Virtual Knowledge Studio during the Launch of a research programme on October 11, 2006 in the Trippenhuis, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam. The Launch will be the occasion to take stock of the state of the art with respect to e-research in the humanities and social sciences and new research practices. Scholars from a variety of disciplines meet with specialists from the creative industry.
Internet Book reviews
Adriaen Coorte, by Quentin Buvelot, book & exhibition catalogue.
De Grote Rembrandt, door Gary Schwartz, boek.
Geschiedenis van Alkmaar, boek.
Carel Fabritius, Tentoonstellingscatalogus.
Frans van Mieris, Tentoonstellingscatalogus.
From Rembrandt to Vermeer, Grove Art catalogue, book.
Vermeer Studies, Congresbundel.
C. Willemijn Fock: Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld, boek.
Het Huwelijksgeschenk (1934), boek over de egoïstische vrouw, die haar luiheid botviert.
Zandvliet, 250 De Rijksten van de Gouden Eeuw , boek + nieuwe stippenplattegrond!
Ik doe wat ik doe, teksten van Lennaert Nijgh , boek + cd
Het Rotterdam Boek, boek.
Bouwen in Nederland 600 - 2000, boek.
Hollandse Stadsgezichten/ Dutch Cityscape, exhib. cat.
TEFAF 2008 art fair
2007. Lecture tour, USA, Easter 2007: Two Speaking engagements at the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia.
2007. Lecture for the Marcel Proust Society, Delft, 2007
2008, may. Lectures on cruise ship to Oslo and environs.
2008, September-October. Lectures on cruise ship to Rome, Athene, Istanbul and environs.
Lecture in the framework of the Fagel conference in Trinity College, Dublin, September 2008.
2008: Book. An in-depth museum travel guide on the works of Rembrandt, Vermeer, van Gogh. Museumgids Rembrandt, Vermeer, van Gogh. Compleet museum-schilderijen overzicht. Text Kees Kaldenbach. Lists and cartography by publisher Scriptio. See cover on the right.
2009. On-going work on the web site. Section on the Blaeu - Van der Hem Atlas with images. also Vienna / Wien atlas.
2009, September-October. Lectures on cruise ship to Stockholm, St Petersburg and environs.
2009, october Golden Age Lecture, in Colloquium Gouden Eeuw kring (circle), Amsterdam.
2010, January. Two Lectures in Dublin:
1) 8th Biennial Conference Communicating, Remembering, Reconstructing
an Interdisciplinary Conference for Low Countries Studies Dublin, 6 - 7 January 2010. See Lecture Kaldenbach on Museum web sites.
2) Improvised National Gallery of Ireland Lecture, 8 January 2010.
February 2010: Article in the Dutch magazine of Physical Education teachers on the effects of PE and Biodanza:
"Feeling lost at gym, and then 'coming home'. Statements about PE and alternative forms of moving, especially Biodanza", bnein g the English version of the article in Dutch: "Ontheemding en daarna “thuiskomen”. Statements over gym en Alternatieve vormen van bewegen, met name Biodanza", in KVLO Tijdschrift voor Gymleraren, nr 2 van 26 februari 2010.
September, 2010
Enrichment programme on board a cruise schip, Mediterranean sea.
Fall - Winter 2010
Boekbespreking / Book review of Jaap Evert Abrahamse, De grote uitleg van Amsterdam. Stadsontwikkeling in de zeventiende eeuw (Toth; Bussum 2010) 432 p., ill., €39,90 ISBN 9789068684919
Summer 2011
Vermeer-of-Delft---How-to-Appreciate-the-Real-Paintings-in-Museums-All-Over-the-World as a sort of questions + sort of advertisment.
In the light of Geert Grote: Andachtsbild and images of spirituality in the sacred and the profane world
New in November 2012: Presenting a ground breaking and "terrifically exciting" 11,000 word article on MASSAGE & SEXUALITY, published on November 3, 2012 in a Sexuology yearbook - on the internationally controversial topic of Massage & Sexuality. Book title: "Integral and Transpersonal Sexology; Human sexuality and Intimate Relationships from an Integral, Transpersonal and Somatic Sexological Perspective" Edited by Dr Tara Long." Edited by Dr Tara Long.
November 2012: An article on Rembrandt’s Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert : its historical value, provenance, auction policy, auction price, acquisition and status http://kalden.home.xs4all.nl/verm/rembr_uyttenboogaard.html
October 2014:
Album Amicorum by Koerten Blok A source document on an early Friends' album.
As a result of 10 months of archival study: these articles were published on 12 November, 2014
Full Mannheimer article 9200 words, without notes, or a separate PDF included with 130 notes.
A nasty article on Mannheimer in the German Army Magazine Signal, 1940
Mannheimer buying from Russian museums, who were forced to sell by order of Stalin
Mannheimer art as Jewish property
Mannheimer art distributed in Dutch museums (outside the Rijksmuseum)
Mannheimer art collection, nearly entirely perished in the London Blitz
Mannheimer art in museums outside Holland
Notes in Dutch: diverse aantekeningen in het Rijksarchief
An exquisite fold-out desk by Roentgen
If you would like to read a LARGE in-depth academic text on Vermeer, neuroscience and perception, please go to
2013: BBC shoot in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
BBC 4 TV programme shoot in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, March 28, 2013 just before the formal opening. Kaldenbach in red jacket. Behind the middle cameraman interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon. The director approaching from the right.
In the middle: daughter Suzanne, who has not been there 12 years, Kees Kaldenbach and interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon.
April 23, 2013. Art presentations. Film shooting in Rijksmuseum with IVS television, Japan. Google: Rijksmuseum Kaldenbach.
In 2014-2015 I re-published many of my articles on the web site Academia.edu
One was a very early article of mine, ca 1988. about an album amicorum of the scissor paper cut artist Joanna Koerten Blok. In Dutch only.
November, 2015. On 18 november. I was called to the studio of Dutch National Radio (NOS) for the news programma Oog op Morgen. Where I gave an 8 minute live talk on Vermeer and his Little Street painting. The reason was the upcoming revelation of the exact spot on Vlamingstraat canal nr 40-42 in Delft.
Breaking news: Radio interview in Dutch, Dutch national radio, November 19, 2015.
HOT NEWS 2015: Little Street location found
You may contact me at kalden@xs4all.nl
Some fine Amsterdam maps:
*Please note that the Dutch university title of Drs. is not equivalent to the title Dr.
Album Amicorum by Koerten Blok A source document on an early Friends' album. Tekeningen uit het album amicorum (Stamboek) van Joanna Koerten Blok (1650 - 1715), een overzicht met index.
Art historian in action, 2011.
Updated November 19, 2015
FB: Private Art Tours, Amsterdam + Holland
FB: Massage Center in Amsterdam
FB: Academica Translations, Amsterdam
Research and copyright by Kaldenbach. A full presentation is on view at www.xs4all.nl/~kalden/
Reaction, questions?
Independent Art Historian. Private Art Tours - Kees Kaldenbach, kalden@xs4all.nl.
Haarlemmermeerstraat 83 hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam
(situated near Surinameplein, ring road exit s-106, tram 1 and 17).
Telephone 020 669 8119; cell phone 06 - 2868 9775. Open seven days a week.