An Exploration of Taboos in the Border areas of Massage
This is Chapter 0b: Definitions / Descriptions
Author: Drs. Kees Kaldenbach. Amsterdam.
Go to Dutch version.
On this page you will find the text and links to the full text HTML page divided into 2+6 chapters in 8 web pages.
Plus a downloadable PDF file of the entire article, complete, with proper footnotes: Kaldenbach-massage-sexuality.pdf
Table of contents
0a) Abstract and Introduction chapter
0b) Definitions of the following six kinds of massage
1) Sport massage / Swedish massage
2) Medical Massage / Physiotherapy
3) Chinese / Japanese rub massage and pressure point massage
5) Erotic Massage - and finally
6) Tantric massage ; thesis; conclusions.
For each field I present these sections: Brief descriptions, Best practices, Perceptions, Schematic map.
This is Chapter 0a): Definitions / Descriptions
Definitions (General, More or Less Objective Descriptions)
In order to ensure that author and readers can broadly understand each other in terminology, a few brief descriptions will follow first.
1) Sport Massage and Swedish Massage
Sport massage - in short - is a pleasant, positive tune-up for muscles and tendons, a technical maintenance and repair job for the physical human body.
The comparable Swedish massage is also a form of tune-up, but then including a system of pleasant touch. Both are distant and neutral in character.
Sport massage (and therefore also Swedish massage) is beneficial for many different things; promoting the flexibility of the body and the maintenance of healing of the body’s "hardware". Not only do muscles and tendons receive attention, but connective tissue and skin as well. The result is enjoyable for a feeling of total relaxation. Sport massage also supports and enhances other biological systems in the body: blood circulation, hormonal levels, control of mind over body and the feeling of being alive and healthy. It can also help in reducing or preventing injury, inflammation and pain.
Qualification, Certification, Licensing:
In the Netherlands anyone can nail a sign ‘Masseur’ on the front door. The profession is thus totally unregulated by law. When a salon or a hotel hires a new masseur (m / f) one is usually asked for a diploma, issued by a generally recognized and renowned training institute for massage, such as Leffelaar in Amsterdam. In neighboring Belgium, in contrast, the professional qualification ‘masseur’ is arranged by law, as it is in the vast majority of countries in Europe at present.
In South Africa there is a legal distinction between therapeutic massage (requiring medical licensing) and beauty massage (only requiring a certificate).
In the USA, the massage professional must have a permit (license) in those 32 States, which have a "massage law".
Strangely, a certified or licensed massage therapist does not necessarily do a better job than a masseur who by practice and self-study has found his or her own way. A good quality touch reveals itself within one minute to the recipient. A good sports masseur or Swedish masseur (m / f) knows in broad terms what treatments can and cannot be performed in an given situation (see below).
A small but distinctive feature between the six fields of massage is the concept of the term "energy". “Energy" is used in sports and Swedish massage in the sense of power, battery, purely in a technical, almost objective way.
A remark about the term “transcendence” (flight of the soul) as represented in the visual model: transcendence is the experience of deep (soul) connection. A symbol for transcendence could be this: a man or woman standing on the ground, feet connected to Mother Earth, with arms stretched wide out to the side; these outstretched arms indicating the relationship with fellow human beings and the raised head focusing on the relationship with higher powers.
In this article, the author ranked sport massage and Swedish massage as follows:
Fig. 1. Sport Massage and Swedish Massage.
X axis: high for social acceptance
Y axis: high for "garage job"
Z axis: low to transcendence (flight of the soul).
2. Medical Massage / Physiotherapy
Much of the above also applies to medical massage / physiotherapy. Even more than the above sport massage, medical massage / physiotherapy is geared to aid in recovery from injuries, dysfunction or discomfort. This type of massage helps to eliminate or reduce for example; stiffness, cramps, limited movement, all of which cause difficulty in daily life and welfare. Sometimes medical massage/ physiotherapy is also aimed at reducing pain, such as in triggerpoint therapy.
In medical massage, of course a great deal of very specific modern Western medical knowledge is included.
The medical practitioner/physiotherapist knows exactly which treatments can be performed in a given situation. Experts speak of “indicated actions”. The opposite are called contra-indications, actions not recommended or prohibited in a given situation; as in edema, early pregnancy in women, varicose veins, damaged skin, skin diseases.
The term ”‘energy” is used in physiotherapy, as in sport massage.
In the Netherlands as in Belgium, the professional qualifications of the medical massage practitioner and the profession of physiotherapist are fully regulated by law; the training is also formally organized.
In this article, medical massage is ranked by the author as follows:
Fig. 2. Medical Massage and Physiotherapy.
X axis: high for social acceptance
Y axis: high for "garage job"
Z axis: low to transcendence (flight of the soul).
3. Chinese/Japanese Rubbing Massage and Pressure Point Massage
This type of massage follows a unique insight, theory and culture. It also speaks its own language. Chinese/Japanese rubbing massage and pressure point massage (including shiatsu) is based on practical knowledge that has been gained over a time span of centuries. That knowledge of body functions and bodily reactions is contained in a coherent logic embedded in its own exotic terms. Therefore in Western medical view it is widely regarded as exotic, and from a scientific point of view as incomprehensible and therefore less relevant. In typical Western medical literature, this form of treatment is rarely mentioned. However, the effects of relaxation are accepted in Western medical literature.
The eastern traditional terminology is in line with concepts of balance of energy and energy pathways in the body, and makes use of words such as life force (chi, ki). It labels the patient’s observed situation in terms of water, wood, fire, earth, metal, and words such as energy lines or meridians.
Blockages in chi are seen as a cause of disease and being prone to falling ill. Within the Chinese and Japanese practice all these fields are measurable, accessible, and can be influenced through touch and pressure points. These insights and treatments are effective and the treatment has proved efficient, and thus an ancient, pure oriental healing knowledge has been recorded within its own system. It is now a viable part if complementary and alternative medicine.
Training as a pressure point massage therapist (and acupuncture therapist), requires sustained and serious study, with renowned masters in that healing art. Graduating following study with a master and subsequent training under a master are required.
In the Netherlands and Belgium, these job titles are left to the field, and are not determined by law. However, there are four associations in the Netherlands - a situation similar to that of architects where BNA membership indicates a guaranteed level of education and quality.
Chinese / Japanese massage rub and massage pressure points have been ranked by the author as follows:
Fig. 3. Chinese/Japanese Rubbing Massage and Pressure Point Massage.
X axis: medium to high for social acceptance
Y axis: high for "garage job"
Z axis: low, medium to high for transcendence (flight of the soul).
4. Holistic Massage
This form of massage refers to the concept of holos (the Greek word for whole, all). It is a manner of massage that aims to with the entire human being and is essentially relational in nature. Masseur (m / f) and client are united for an hour or longer in an encounter, a tactile dance of life and being. Holistic massage focuses on the welfare of clients in a broad sense, and uses terms such as “energy”, “inspiration”. The soul is elusive, an article of faith; if you like, a name for the deepest part of the being. The soul can also be seen as the individual poetic expression of the unknowable mystery of our existence.
Holistic massage emphasizes the wholeness of body-mind-soul of the client who receives it. This requires the masseur (m / f) to not have only basic knowledge of the body and special massage techniques, but also concepts of feeling, empathy, compassion and intuition, because this form of massage addresses human hardware and software - and is addressing the unknowable. At best, a successful holistic session implies an impressive encounter between client and therapist. The client is physically touched and also touched on another level; that is a desired core quality.
Here, we again find the benefits enumerated above in sport massage, but achieved through a different body massage route, with generally calm and even slow movements (but not necessary using soft or light pressure).
The aim is to do good to the whole human being. A holistic session therefore usually begins with a short conversation over a cup of tea.
In the Netherlands the title "holistic masseur" is open, and not regulated by law.
The term "energy" is sometimes used by holistic masseurs in the sense of feeling and experience of natural energy and charisma, such as that expressed in the animal contact that exists between a pet and its owner.
Holistic massage has been ranked by the author as follows:
Fig. 4. Holistic Massage
X axis: medium for social acceptance
Y axis: low, medium to high for "garage job"
Z axis: medium to high for transcendence (flight of the soul)
5. Erotic Massage
Erotic massage is a way for the client to gain new, exciting, sensual and/or sexual experiences by ordering them. This type of massage takes place by appointment by a selected specialist masseur/masseuse who is sexually gifted and who likes to do this work. This type of massage gives the customer the luxury of choice and order a la carte: without fear, the client can precisely state their own wishes, desires and boundaries when having the introductory discussion. The client can also choose to be open to a new unknown experience, to go beyond known boundaries and indicate at the moment what is okay and what is not during the process.
Erotic massage can be an encounter in the depths of feeling. Contrary to what outsiders might be thinking, an erotic massage is not primarily focused on touching the genitals, or sexual excitement and orgasm. Genital touching can or can not be on the program, and hence rules are set and demarcated in mutual agreement, in tune with the nature, needs, experience, knowledge and boundaries of both parties. Experts will agree that experience of erotic pleasure is not situated between the client’s legs, but rather between the ears, with hope, desire and play. A good click or "energy" between client and Eros masseur or masseuse is obviously necessary, because it is give and take, and a meeting in a very intimate nature.
For the record, penis-vagina sex and oral sex are held by many erotic masseurs in the Netherlands to be outside the range of erotic massage. Everything is however dependent on the nature of the arrangements between the client and masseur (m / f).
Erotic massage is ranked here as follows the author:
Fig. 5. Erotic Massage.
X axis: very low for social acceptance
Y axis: very low for "garage job"
Z axis: low, medium to high points for transcendence (flight of the soul).
6. Tantric Massage
The term Tantra has its origins in India, and focuses on managing, increasing and enjoying the flow of sexual energy in the body of man and woman. Through courses, books and videos by Ray Stubbs and later on by Baghwan / Osho (1931-1990) his Neo-tantric method has become known in the West and it may include massage.
Tantra and Tantric massage makes for a deep meeting between therapist and client and is therefore related to holistic massage. At best, there is a deep, lush and moving sense of connection. A commonly used term in Tantra is "desire" (and "desire for desire"). The five senses of man and woman are invited to become more sensitive. There are various types of tantra:
- White tantra, the traditional, more spiritual Indian and Tibetan Tantra with among others, meditation and breathing exercises.
- Blue tantra is more yin, somewhat more physical, but still cautious and reluctant.
- Red Tantra is more yang, can be applied naked. Sometimes it involves touching genitals and female orgasm is permitted. Orgasm of the man can be experienced from within, but ejaculation is not recommended.
A good "energy" between client and Tantra masseuse/masseur is of course always necessary.
Tantric massage is ranked the author as follows:
Fig. 6. Tantric Massage.
X axis: very low for social acceptance
Y axis: low to medium for "garage job"
Z axis: medium to high for transcendence (flight of the soul).
Further Descriptions
Sexuality - in the context of this article - is the magical and wonderful borderline between the physicality of I and the Other. Broadly speaking, it is understood as the totality of feelings, opinions and experiences related to sexual orientation and self-definition, the individuality and physicality of the man or the woman.
Both in body and mind, sexuality causes an increased and enhanced perception of reality, sometimes a rush and at best, a peak experience in human life.
The positive, pink cloud of terms related to sexuality include: body, skin, pleasure, ecstasy, identity, and beyond – let’s take a broad look – desire, contact, connection, emotions, dreams, desires, sexual drive, conquest of the other, to allow to be conquested, the game of attraction and retreat, excitement, and also to achieve a physical orgasm. Central to Western culture is always freedom of choice and free will at some point in time to enter upon or cease the sexual contact.
By way of contrast: another set of shaded clouds shows the more complicated and thorny fields as in: daring, taboo, monogamy, adultery, jealousy, vulnerability, old pain and new pain, becoming wounded in body and soul. For in sex you become open and therefore vulnerable.
"Sexual" is a term used by us in the West at basic level refers to reproductive drive and gender and perception of one’s own genitals, either male or female, while the term "Eros" indicates the meta-level, the divine and dangerous, bewitching, the maddening insufflation by the mysterious Greek god Eros in women and men.
Intimacy is understood here as any kind of very personal encounter in proximity and in seclusion, with full consent of both parties. Intimacy could include sharing of valuable experiences and highly personal secrets. Caveat: If a woman mentions in a conversation: "I was intimate with my boyfriend last night", then she might mean something else.
The feel-good hormones released in massage include oxytocin (also known as the cuddle hormone and the hormone that enhances bonding between mother and baby), and also other active elements with nice effects such as endorphins, peptides.
Table of contents
0a) Abstract and Introduction chapter
0b) Definitions of the following six kinds of massage
1) Sport massage / Swedish massage
2) Medical Massage / Physiotherapy
3) Chinese / Japanese rub massage and pressure point massage
5) Erotic Massage - and finally
6) Tantric massage ; thesis; conclusions.
For each field I present these sections: Brief descriptions, Best practices, Perceptions, Schematic map.
11. Digital searches were done in the retrieval system of the South Africa National Library and yielded nothing. A librarian in the USA with access to all scientific and legal journals has spent two hours at my request to search for sources, but in the end he has found very little.
12. E-mail message from Rudi Baker, Managing Director, Healing Hands International to the author, January 3, 2011: “In South Africa, if you practice therapeutic massage (treating specific disorders) then you need a 3 year diploma and must be registered under the allied health professions council. If you do non-therapeutic (part of a beauty treatment or for general relaxation) then a certificate will suffice.”
13. Counting 32 states in 1995.
14. The Dutch acupuncturist Peter van Kervel reported in a telephone conversation in January 2011: There is no legislation in the Netherlands, but a policy of tolerance. Business affairs are managed by the profession itself, and there are currently four professional organizations. Health insurers examine which associations (and their members) deliver quality assurance and then reimburse treatment for their clients.
The effectiveness of acupuncture has been tested and demonstrated in such Asian countries as China, Australia, New Zealand and also in the USA. See also a recent thesis at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, on the application of acupuncture and moxibustion (a type of smoke marker).15. The Dutch acupuncturist Peter van Kervel reported in a telephone conversation in January 2011: There is no legislation in the Netherlands, but a policy of tolerance. Business affairs are managed by the profession itself, and there are currently four professional organizations. Health insurers examine which associations (and their members) deliver quality assurance and then reimburse treatment for their clients.
The effectiveness of acupuncture has been tested and demonstrated in such Asian countries as China, Australia, New Zealand and also in the USA. See also a recent thesis at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, on the application of acupuncture and moxibustion (a type of smoke marker).16. Also used in the TV series The Dog Whisperer.
17. Literature: series of books by Margot Anand.
18. Bruce S. Thornton, Eros. The Myth of Ancient Greek Sexuality, Westview Press, 1997, p. 18 makes clear that within the Greek conception of Eros also lies a maddening, brutal, powerful danger.
19. Jan de Boer, Vrijen in verbinding, Ten Have, 2010, p. 48.====
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Photos: Jeroen Leclercq,
Reaction, questions?
for Applied Massage Art - Kees Kaldenbach,
Haarlemmermeerstraat 83 hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam (near Surinameplein, ring road
exit s106, tram 1 and 17). Telephone 020 669 8119; cell phone 06 - 2868 9775.
Open seven days a week.
Masseur Kees Kaldenbach is collaborating with a number of masseurs and masseuses in Amsterdam. He is also active as a masseur in the finest and most luxurious hotels.
I give this massage at various addresses: at my home address (see above), or atyour own home or at your hotel.
Lichaam & Ziel [Body & Soul] is registered at the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce, number 3419 6612.
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Psychological Bulletin, January 2004 highlights
Psychologists at Illinois University have researched effectiveness of massage therapy. A series of visits to the masseur may reduce depression, anxiety and pain. Even single visits may help alleviating anxiety and pain and may reduce hypertension and a high heart rate.
Psychological Bulletin, January 2004