An Exploration of Taboos in the Border areas of Massage
This is Chapter 4: Holistic Massage
Author: Drs. Kees Kaldenbach. Amsterdam.
On this page you will find the text and links to the full text HTML page divided into 2+6 chapters, without visible footnotes,
Plus a downloadable PDF file of the entire article, complete, with footnotes: Kaldenbach-massage-sexuality.pdf
Table of contents
0a) Abstract and Introduction chapter
0b) Definitions of the following six kinds of massage
1) Sport massage / Swedish massage
2) Medical Massage / Physiotherapy
3) Chinese / Japanese rub massage and pressure point massage
5) Erotic Massage - and finally
6) Tantric massage ; thesis; conclusions.
For each field I present these sections: Brief descriptions, Best practices, Perceptions, Schematic map.
4b Best Practices, the masseur's point of view (w / v) in holistic massage.
The intent of holistic massage wholeness of touch and experience, conveyed by means of a spiritual attitude and fitting massage techniques, usually quiet effleurage (long strokes) by request strong or not so strong and, furthermore tapotage (percussion), pulsing and many other more creative forms.
The client is almost naked or completely naked on the massage and stays half covered - alternatively the client is completely naked if that is OK with the masseur (m / f). The attitude towards body is more accepting and relaxed. This allows touch of the skin around the abdomen, groin, sexual organ on mutual agreement. That style of touch is less strictly judged as taboo – all of this remains very much dependent on how the masseur (m / f) feels and how the client is feeling about skin and nudity. There will often be an initial conversation about life, work, stress and the specific wishes.
Highly dependent on the nature of the holistic practitioner, there will often be an attitude of restraint and working correctly. Most holistic massage therapists will also flip upon hearing the term "naughty massage".
However, there is a gradual scale in the profession of massage (m / f) who are more conservative/correct to other colleagues who are also more Eros-oriented and who are open about the sexual byways that could be explored. Presumably the latter group constitutes a minority. It remains a taboo subject. When holistic massage therapists do peer review and talk among themselves about the trade, there is often a taboo-less openness and atmosphere of communication and thus much if not all can be explicit and outspoken.
Belonging to the conservative, reserved group is Ms. H, a holistic masseuse from the vicinity of Durban, South Africa. Ethnically, she is of upper-class Indian Hindu descent and starting from her religious beliefs, she went into this vocation to help people go forward in life. Her drive is purely spiritual: her touch assists clients towards light and divinity. She made the conscious decision to work purely asexual, and forces customers keep their underwear on, covering the whole hip section with a cloth and refrains from touching any buttocks and groin. She remains neutrally dressed in a wide dress. Because: “I do not want to go there. A lot of escort houses have opened these last few years in South Africa and all of those ladies call themselves masseuses.”
Another conservative practitioner, R from California, USA decided to take a masterclass in Amsterdam, Holland. For the first time in his life he was able to and allowed to touch buttocks and breasts (after receiving OK from the female model). This was a strange outlandish but interesting experience given his strict education.
Masseur S from New Your City is instead a more liberal type who likes pushing the envelope. His outlook and practice resembles a free-thinking European. This forces him to keep a low profile and seek a private enclosed circle of liberal clients.
The holistic practitioner should be sensitive to "energy" and to develop good antennas.
4c From the perspective of the client in holistic massage.
The client in this market looks around and sees what there is on offer. The client could be a liberal type of person, perhaps visiting saunas and nude beaches and can also be interested in the alternative world. He or she senses inside what is desirable and thus chooses holistic massage from their own history and their own sense of flavor. He or she can often be vocal what the request and style should be.
If the client has specific needs and thinks that with a given masseur there is room for Eros, then a holistic massage with a slight erotic color can be requested.
See below what sport massage and Swedish massage in practice under the influence of Eros can happen intentionally or unintentionally.
See further below on the desired erotic hue - under erotic massage.
Case study from 2009, reported by masseur F: A holistic massage in a room with two tables, and two massage therapists. On the tables was a married couple, of which the woman was notary public by profession. At the end of the session, the faces turned up, a list of options given and the female client chose the abdominal massage. The male masseur F then offered, option a) being a slow circle on the soft abdomen, while type b) in the movement of 8 also would go down along the thigh and then up through the inside of the groin area up just past the sex, back up to the belly. The client opted for b). Perhaps because the parallel couple massage gave her security? Out of curiosity? A need for a new experience? Most holistic masseurs would avid that question and the average female customer would not give an OK to perform this movement.
According to another interviewee male masseur, N, another session in a massage parlor went remarkable. A British woman, who ordered a holistic massage, rose gradually into sexual arousal. "Is this OK with you?" Asked the masseur and after affirmation by the client after it became a warm massage with a final orgasm. Within that type salon that activity was obviously not called for. After the therapist asked: Are you gonna sue me? To which the client responded with exactly the same words: Are you gonna sue me? This language expressed a slight worry in both parties about the element of danger and taboo.
The question in this case is whether the masseur at the time received sufficient validation. Or whether that day he moved on the sharp edge of the knife.
Definitions (repeated)
In order to ensure that author and readers can broadly understand each other in terminology, a few brief descriptions will follow first.
4. Holistic Massage
This form of massage refers to the concept of holos (the Greek word for whole, all). It is a manner of massage that aims to with the entire human being and is essentially relational in nature. Masseur (m / f) and client are united for an hour or longer in an encounter, a tactile dance of life and being. Holistic massage focuses on the welfare of clients in a broad sense, and uses terms such as “energy”, “inspiration”. The soul is elusive, an article of faith; if you like, a name for the deepest part of the being. The soul can also be seen as the individual poetic expression of the unknowable mystery of our existence.
Holistic massage places emphasizes the wholeness of body-mind-soul of the client who receives it. This requires the masseur (m / f) to not have only basic knowledge of the body and special massage techniques, but also concepts of feeling, empathy, compassion and intuition, because this form of massage addresses human hardware and software - and is addressing the unknowable. At best, a successful holistic session implies an impressive encounter between client and therapist. The client is physically touched and also touched on another level; that is a desired core quality.
Here, we again find the benefits enumerated above in sport massage, but achieved through a different body massage route, with generally calm and even slow movements (but not necessary using soft or light pressure).
The aim is to do good to the whole human being. A holistic session therefore usually begins with a short conversation over a cup of tea.
In the Netherlands the title "holistic masseur" is open, and not regulated by law.
The term "energy" is sometimes used by holistic masseurs in the sense of feeling and experience of natural energy and charisma, such as that expressed in the animal contact that exists between a pet and its owner.
Holistic massage has been ranked by the author as follows:
Fig. 4. Holistic Massage
X axis: medium for social acceptance
Y axis: low, medium to high for "garage job"
Z axis: medium to high for transcendence (flight of the soul)
Further Descriptions
Sexuality - in the context of this article - is the magical and wonderful borderline between the physicality of I and the Other. Broadly speaking, it is understood as the totality of feelings, opinions and experiences related to sexual orientation and self-definition, the individuality and physicality of the man or the woman.
Both in body and mind, sexuality causes an increased and enhanced perception of reality, sometimes a rush and at best, a peak experience in human life.
The positive, pink cloud of terms related to sexuality include: body, skin, pleasure, ecstasy, identity, and beyond – let’s take a broad look – desire, contact, connection, emotions, dreams, desires, sexual drive, conquest of the other, to allow to be conquested, the game of attraction and retreat, excitement, and also to achieve a physical orgasm. Central to Western culture is always freedom of choice and free will at some point in time to enter upon or cease the sexual contact.
By way of contrast: another set of shaded clouds shows the more complicated and thorny fields as in: daring, taboo, monogamy, adultery, jealousy, vulnerability, old pain and new pain, becoming wounded in body and soul. For in sex you become open and therefore vulnerable.
"Sexual" is a term used by us in the West at basic level refers to reproductive drive and gender and perception of one’s own genitals, either male or female, while the term "Eros" indicates the meta-level, the divine and dangerous, bewitching, the maddening insufflation by the mysterious Greek god Eros in women and men.
Intimacy is understood here as any kind of very personal encounter in proximity and in seclusion, with full consent of both parties. Intimacy could include sharing of valuable experiences and highly personal secrets. Caveat: If a woman mentions in a conversation: "I was intimate with my boyfriend last night", then she might mean something else.
The feel-good hormones released in massage include oxytocin (also known as the cuddle hormone and the hormone that enhances bonding between mother and baby), and also other active elements with nice effects such as endorphins, peptides.
33. Interview by author, 2010. 34. Interview by author, c. 1995.
Table of contents
0a) Abstract and Introduction chapter
0b) Definitions of the following six kinds of massage
1) Sport massage / Swedish massage
2) Medical Massage / Physiotherapy
3) Chinese / Japanese rub massage and pressure point massage
5) Erotic Massage - and finally
6) Tantric massage ; thesis; conclusions.
For each field I present these sections: Brief descriptions, Best practices, Perceptions, Schematic map.
Published 2012.
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Photos: Jeroen Leclercq,
Reaction, questions?
for Applied Massage Art - Kees Kaldenbach,
Haarlemmermeerstraat 83 hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam (near Surinameplein, ring road
exit s106, tram 1 and 17). Telephone 020 669 8119; cell phone 06 - 2868 9775.
Open seven days a week.
Masseur Kees Kaldenbach is collaborating with a number of masseurs and masseuses in Amsterdam. He is also active as a masseur in the finest and most luxurious hotels.
I give this massage at various addresses: at my home address (see above), or atyour own home or at your hotel.
Lichaam & Ziel [Body & Soul] is registered at the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce, number 3419 6612.
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Psychological Bulletin, January 2004 highlights
Psychologists at Illinois University have researched effectiveness of massage therapy. A series of visits to the masseur may reduce depression, anxiety and pain. Even single visits may help alleviating anxiety and pain and may reduce hypertension and a high heart rate.
Psychological Bulletin, January 2004