Palamedes (1601-1673). Leading genre, portrait and still life
painter, in genre notably of 'Galant Companies' (in the style of
Haarlem and Amsterdam painters such as Pieter Codde) and military
scenes. He has been called the "first genre painter of Delft" and his
portraits as "rather vacuous". (Montias1989,
Son of a gem-cutter. He was trained in the workshop of Michiel van Mierevelt.
In 1639 he was teaching the art of drawing to Adriaen, son of the merchant Gillis Verboom. (Montias1989, 69)
In Guild in 1621; repeatedly headman from 1653 to 1673. Initially in 1624 he lived on Dirklangenstraat, and in 1630 when he married, in Vlamingstraat.
In 1633 he bought a house for 3900 guilders; in 1638 he either bought or sold one for 3400 guilders. In 1643, he moved to a house for which he paid 900 guilders, on the north east side of Koornmarkt next to L. Bramer. In 1646 he lived on Turfmarkt, and later on the south side of Broerhuislaan which has since been renamed Burgwal. He taught Adriaan Gillisz Verboom (1628-c.1670), Ludolph de Jongh (1616-1679) and his younger brother Palamedes Palamedesz. Jacob Fransz van der Merck worked in his style. A painter working in his style was Jacob Jansz van Velsen. He moved to, and died in Amsterdam.
image above shows a detail from A Musical Party / Gallant
Company, Private collection.
The one to the right shows a detail of a portrait.
Soutendam, Necrologium, p. 6 (burial of a son from Dircklangesteeg in 1624), p. 25 (Turfmarckt in 1646) and p. 26 (Broerhuislaan 1651). Year 1638 in Montias 1982 p. 121; more at 195-196. GAD Beydals cites Notarieel nr. 1889, fol. 143-144 (ca. 1627-1629). Anthony Palamedes bought a house in 1633 for 3,900 guilders (Camer van Charitate, Duijt op de gulden, no. 57,fol. 35vo.) ; private communication by Montias, 2000. Later on he bought a house next to Bramer's for 900 f. on Koornmarkt, south side of Burchwal, 23 January 1643 (NA 1691, Not W. De Langue); An inventory is given at Oud Not. Arch., notary G.R., no. 1984, fol. 205, 15 sept. 1653 and at notary JvO no. 1956 fol. 264, 25 jan. 1674. A testament in the Weeskamer archive 7, 426, 17 sept. 1653 mentions an address at south side of Broerhuyslaan. This same address is mentioned in Huizenprotocol 1650-1850, no. 1349 part I fol. 298. Anthony marries Aeckgen Woedeward on 29 dec. 1658; both live at 'Burchwal'. Private communications by Montias, 2000. Vital dates from Thieme-B. XXVI, 155 and All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum , p. 434; however dates in De Stad Delft 1981, II, 183 are given as (1600/01-1673/80). General literature: Jan H. Oosterloo, De Meesters van Delft, Strengholt Amsterdam, 1948: 108.
This page forms part of a large encyclopedic site on Delft. Research by Drs. Kees Kaldenbach (email). A full presentation is on view at johannesvermeer.info.
Launched 16 February 2001; Last update March 1, 2017. More info in the RKD site.