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Touching Trauma therapy (staying completely dressed)
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New in November 2012: Presenting a ground breaking and "terrifically exciting" 11,000 word article on MASSAGE & SEXUALITY, published on November 3, 2012 in a Sexuology yearbook - on the internationally controversial topic of Massage & Sexuality. Book title: "Human Sexuality and Intimate Relationships from an Integral, Transpersonal and Somatic (Sexological) Perspective" Edited by Dr Tara Long.
Below a short example of Neck - Shoulder - Back massage, January, 2013.
/ Sexual violence
Victims of incest and sexual violence have been wounded both in body and soul.
They may often choose the regular medical route and visit psychologists, psychotherepists or other related therapies in order to find a new balance. In the professional code of these groups the role of physical touch has been strictly limited.
If you think that a good, deep, warm touch may help your body in finding a path toward wholenness and wellness, then I can offer that positive form of touch. Together we will formulate our own rules of engagement. We will use our intuition, our brain, our feeling, our lifetime of experience, and we wil tell each other where space is growing. If a touch would go too far, we will be there together to guard your boundaries.
Kees takes along his experience in the worlds of massage, biodanza, tantra, breathing.
I also offer another form with minimal touch, the client remaining fully dressed: Trauma healing.
Reports by female clients:
Susanne, a masseuse has often repeated: "Kees, you have been put on this earth in order to touch women.". (2007)
Sandra, a client reports: "An incredible quality of touch touch, with your total concentration. I feel the flow of your energy." (2007)
Aafke (actually she goes by another name): "I have been traumatized sexually for many years, and now I am looking for the touch of a man in order to explore the goodness of touch. In order to find myself again. Your presence is beneficial. I trust you." (December, 2006)
August 2010. Today I experienced the very first tears of joy... welling up slowly in my closed eyes, tears of abundance, goodness, wholeness, really for the first time in my life. Before that moment I knew only of tears of pain and sorrow. Thank you so much for this experience of opening me up. I felt so full and oceanic and safe. (Anna, in a Hotel room massage with husband present)
Jeanne: "Furthermore you have been a key in experiencing my longing and also my reticence through fear. What I intend to say is that you radiate trust and that [in the sessions] certain feelings are allowed to be there, at a time when I was used to keep those feelings inside from fear of being hurt again. To put it in different terms: by your existence I am being born again from my egg and can enter into full bloom" (March, 2007) (wow!),
Michelle D , a 27 year old enterpreneur and very successful businesswoman and moreover petite beauty from Michigan, just by the border between the USA and Canada, read my web site on massage and sent me an email requesting my care during her trip to Amsterdam in 2006. The answer which I sent back to her by email hit the mark and even made her cry in front of her monitor - imagine, making a woman cry 3000 miles away by email! So we had an appointment in Amsterdam. After she rang my doorbell in Amsterdam pure magic happened, events which are not often found in the handbooks of how a massage therapist and a masseur relate to each other. As a therapist I allowed my intuition to guide me to her wounded heart. Our unconventional session and the subsequent hundreds of emails positively changed her life.
"Yes, you have opened many doors for me and I appreciate it so much. I'm also happy you are able to do this for many women. I think through the ages the perception of sex has become dirty - or something you shouldn't enjoy. But sexuality was put here for us TO enjoy! If you can be a catalyst for women in this process - well, let's just say I am very proud of you. Our friendship has no limits or boundaries.
July 17, 2007.
18 October 2011.
"Do you realize what great gift it was, that you gave to me yesterday? You actively make a significant difference in somebody's life."
I believe that touch is a great gift between human beings.
Read client evaluations of my massage.
Massage works by means of the quiet, healing power of human touch; the most direct contact without words between one person and another. It influences your total well being - not only of the skin itself, but of the entire person. Massage has miraculous therapeutic powers.
Both the people receiving and giving massage are not just concerned with an arm, leg or back, but bring to it their totality as a human being. During the massage, they stand at the outer limit of the skin - the most sensitive and largest human organ - and thus at the outer limit of the physical self. At its very best, the massage session provides bliss in a worldthat can be filled with stress and pressure. Massage provides an experience in quality time - with the release of energies and endorphins. Make an appointment and discover how good it feels.
Photos: Jeroen Leclercq,
Quiet and Trusting
Giving and receiving massage takes place in inner calmness and concentration on the basis of serenity and trust.
The type of massage that I give is known as 'holistic' or 'intuitive'. The technnique makes use of two full hands on the client, and is aimed at relaxation. In the best of cases it may trigger - in the one who receives - an inner sensation of flow, peace, serenity and bliss. The body relaxes in enjoyment and the mind may soar as well.
Structure of a Session
Before starting I appreciate a short conversation as to preferences and problems. A handicap is not a problem. This may be followed by some loosening of the muscles and grounding the body. Within an hour long session, of each client chooses which body parts are to massaged. This selection is geared both towards the situation and the needs of the person who performs the message as well as the one receiving it.
During a table massage the session can deal with the head, neck, shoulders, back, sides, arms and hands; the upper chest (ribs, stomach), buttocks (optional), legs and last but not least, the feet.
Initially the body is fully covered with a cloth made out of the finest French linen. After a a few minutes of pulsing, I uncover one body part at the time.
During pulsing and stretching as a masseur I perform a quiet dance, in which the person who receives massage fully accepts the slow movements and relaxation.
At the end of the session various parts of the body have been touched with energy and care. Regaining the sense of unity of the body is reached bymeans of repeated feathery light traces superimposed on the body of 'energizing finishing strokes'
An entire session with introduction about an hour and a quarter. Please note that as I am neither a licensed physiotherapist or doctor, that I do not treat serious medical conditions.
Besides my work giving massage, I also enjoy exchanging massage with others.
Dutch, English, German are spoken as well as some French and Italian. Having studied at the Amsterdam Free University (Vrije Universiteit); my title is Drs.
Lichaam & Ziel [Body & Soul] is my company name; I can receive clients either at my home or at my practice in a beauty salon near Leidseplein, Amsterdam. Alternatively, I also make home visits in the Amsterdam area; then I will drive to you and bring my massage table.
Kees: I experience massage as an act of contact. Massage is my passion and I have specialized in Holistic Massage, Tantra and Biodanza. I do speak Dutch, English, German and also some French and Italian and I have studied at the Amsterdam Free University (Vrije Universiteit); hence the title is Drs.
Lichaam & Ziel [Body & Soul] is my company name; I can receive clients at my home. Alternatively I could visit you in the Amsterdam area; then I will pack my table and drive to your place, taking my professional massage table and my suitcase full of goodies.
You may call or mail me for finding out prices and dates.
A client introducing a new client will recive a E 10,- bonus.
Times: our offer is possible on Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Wednesday night and Friday night. Weekends are also possible. We will compare our agendas / notebooks to set the right date!
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Go to the Dutch version.
New in November 2012: Presenting a ground breaking and "terrifically exciting" 11,000 word article on MASSAGE & SEXUALITY, published on November 3, 2012 in a Sexuology yearbook - on the internationally controversial topic of Massage & Sexuality. Book title: "Human Sexuality and Intimate Relationships from an Integral, Transpersonal and Somatic (Sexological) Perspective" Edited by Dr Tara Long.
Center for Applied Massage Art - Kees Kaldenbach, Haarlemmermeerstraat 83 hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam (near Surinameplein, ring road exit s-106, tram 1 and 17). Telephone 020 669 8119; cell phone 06 - 2868 9775. Open seven days a week.
Masseur Kees Kaldenbach is collaborating with a number of masseurs and masseuses in Amsterdam. He is also active as a masseur in the finest and most luxurious hotels.
I give this massage at various addresses: at my home address (see above), or at the Beautylinks multi-professional beauty center, address Leidsekade 101, just off Leidseplein, or alternatively at your own home or at your hotel.
Lichaam & Ziel [Body & Soul] is registered at the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce.
Update May 2016.
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Psychological Bulletin, January 2004 highlights
Psychologists at Illinois University have researched effectiveness of massage therapy. A series of visits to the masseur may reduce depression, anxiety and pain. Even single visits may help alleviating anxiety and pain and may reduce hypertension and a high heart rate.
Psychological Bulletin, January 2004