Full Mannheimer article 9200 words, without notes, or a separate PDF included with 130 notes.
Excerpts from a thesis on Mannheimer character and financial dealings
A nasty article on Mannheimer in the German Army Magazine Signal, 1940
Mannheimer buying from Russian museums, which were forced to sell art and antiques by order of Stalin
Mannheimer art as Jewish property
Mannheimer art distributed in the Rijksmuseum (with floor plans)
Mannheimer art distributed in other Dutch museums
Another nasty Mannheimer article from Time magazine, 1939 and a list of art collection, nearly entirely perished in the London Blitz
Mannheimer art in museums outside Holland
Notes in Dutch: diverse aantekeningen in het Rijksarchief
An exquisite fold-out desk by Roentgen
Mannheimer's -Jamnitzer-Merkelsche Tafelaufsatz
Specific Mannheimer tour in the Rijksmuseum by Drs Kaldenbach.
Enjoy your own VIP guide, for Outstanding art tours in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, and other museums.
Updated better web site at www.johannesvermeer.info
(Caption: one of the over-filled showcases at the Mannheimer home, with objects bought in Germany and Russia).
Update 17 January, 2016.
How to find art historian Drs Kaldenbach:
Map of Haarlemmermeerstraat, Amsterdam. Please note this tricky situation: there is another street in town that sounds almost the same: Haarlemmerstraat. You need however to find my street, Haarlemmermeerstraat. Take tram 2 to Hoofddorpplein square or tram 1 to Suriname plein square.
Third party testimonials about Drs Kaldenbach
From the Annual Report, Rijkmuseum, 2015, page 27. In 2015 the Rijksmuseum research has started inquiries into the provenance of the Mannheimer collection. A report to the Museum Vereniging is given in spring, 2016.
Reaction, questions?
Drs. Kees Kaldenbach, art historian, kalden@xs4all.nl Haarlemmermeerstraat 83hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam (near Surinameplein, ring road exit s106, streetcar tram 1 and 17).
Telephone 020 669 8119; cell phone 06 - 2868 9775.
Open seven days a week.
Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) number of Johannesvermeer.info / Lichaam & Ziel [ Body & Soul] is 3419 6612.
E mail esponses and bookings to art historian Drs. Kees Kaldenbach.
This page forms part of the 2000+ item Vermeer web site at www.xs4all.nl/~kalden
Launched November 12, 2014. Updated 7 March, 2018.