Upstairs back room. Room M


Function: Room on the first floor, across the entire width of the house. Given the nature of the objects this was a storage space.

Inventory: "Two tapestries twee tapyte kleden ; a low wicker nursing seat, een tiene bakermath ; a painting of a "trony" face, een trony schilderytie; ; A cupid, een cupido ; Two chairs, twee stoelen; ; Two copper chafing dishes twee kopere confoorten ; five books in folio size, vyff boucken in folio; ; another 25 books of all kinds, nog 25 van alderhande slach ; Two eartherware dishes, twee aerde schotelen

Six paintings, ses schilderijen ; ten needlework sit-cushions, thien geborduurde sitkussens ; a mirror, een spiegel; two chests [of the crate type] twee kisten ; a hall-stand, een kapstock ; a suitcase, een koffer; two copper kettles, twee kopere ketels. "

See the original documents from the Delft Archives. Goods owned by Catharina Bolnes, page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7. Goods jointly owned by Catharina Bolnes and Maria Thins, page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6.



Note : These objects were part of the Vermeer-inventory as listed by by the assistant of Delft notary public J. van Veen on February 29, 1676, in the Thins/Vermeer home located on Oude Langendijk on the corner of Molenpoort. The painter Johannes Vermeer had died there at the end of December 1675. His widow Catherina and their eleven children still lived there with her mother Maria Thins.

The transcription of the 1676 inventory, now in the Delft archives, is based upon its first full publication by A.J.J.M. van Peer, "Drie collecties..." in Oud Holland 1957, pp. 98-103. My additions and explanations are added within square brackets [__]. Dutch terms have been checked against the world's largest language dictionary, the Dictionary of the Dutch Language (Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal , or WNT), which was begun by De Vries en Te Winkel in 1882.

In 2001 many textile terms have been kindly explained by art historian Marieke de Winkel.


This page forms part of a large encyclopedic site on Vermeer and Delft. Research by Drs. Kees Kaldenbach (email). A full presentation is on view at

Launched December, 2002; Last update March 1, 2017.

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