A rich tapestry of multimedia, an encyclopedic 2000+ page web site on

Johannes Vermeer & 17th Century life in Delft

 Celebrating our 16 year anniversary of outreach in Art History!



New: Private lectures / Vermeer Tours Programme in English, Tours Chinese menu and Public speaking engagements

Visit Vermeer's home and the artist's studio. Study the architectural floor plans. Enter the house in 3D to see the full inventory of all household objects. Presentation of internet movies.
Bezoek het Vermeerhuis en studio. Klik op de plattegronden. Ga binnen en beleef het interieur met alle huishoudelijke voorwerpen.

'View of Delft' by Johannes Vermeer, a guided tour.
'Gezicht op Delft' van Johannes Vermeer, een wandeling met uitleg.
'Ansicht von Delft' von Johannes / Jan Vermeer, eine Führung.
'Vue de Delft' de Johannes Vermeer, une visite guidée du tableau

Fly over Delft 1660 in 3D. Another 'View of Delft', a Birds' eye flight View 1660
Vlieg over Delft 1660 in 3D. Nog een 'Gezicht op Delft', een andere vogelvlucht uit 1660
Flug über Delft 1660 in 3D. Ein Flug in Delft, 1660
Vol au dessus de Delft 1660 en 3D. Vol d'oiseau, Delft 1660

Kees in Delft (movie 1) + Perspective method (movie 2) + Kees double performance as Art Historian & Masseur 9 minute (Movie 3, English dubbing)

Kees in dubbelportret als Kunsthistoricus & Masseur (9 min. Windows media) + Kees idem (9 min, format iPhone Movie)

Vermeer's birth house. Research overview of little-known facts

Vermeer's geboortehuis. Overzicht van research over verborgen feiten

QuickTime movies:

Walking with Vermeer through Historical Drawings of the South Gates of Delft Virtual Reality (after Jan Vermeer, View of Delft).
Een 3D wandeling met Vermeer door historische tekeningen van de zuidelijke poorten van Vermeer's Delft.
Einen dreidimensionaler Spaziergang mit Vermeer durch Zeichnungen - Suedliche Vermeer-Tore in Delft.

The ships on View of Delft; exact dating of this outstanding painting
De schepen op Het Gezicht op Delft; exacte datering van dit buitengewone schilderij
Eine Genaue Datierung des Ansicht von Delft von Johannes Vermeer (Kürzfassung)

Was Johannes Vermeer's The Little Street Located at Nieuwe Langendijk 22-26? An Art Historians' View on Research covering Urban Archaeology and Building Engineering. Cover story of Bulletin KNOB, November-December 2000.
Het Straatje van Johannes Vermeer - op het adres Nieuwe Langendijk 22-26 in Delft? Een kunsthistorische visie op een archeologisch en bouwhistorisch onderzoek. Omslagartikel Bulletin KNOB november-december 2000.
Est-ce que "La petite rue" de Johannes Vermeer se trouvait au Nieuwe Langendijk 22-26 à Delft ? Le point de vue d'un historien de l'art sur des recherches en histoire architecturale et en archéologie urbaine.

Members of the Guild of St Luke in Delft including Vermeer. Clickable map.
Leden van het St Lucas Gilde in Delft inclusief Vermeer
Mitglieder des St Lukas Zunft in Delft mit Vermeer.

A Popular 11,000 word essay on Vermeer & Delft in English 

A 20.000 word academic essay on Vermeer & Perception in English

.. 'Six Ways to Vermeer' from Radio Netherlands World Service

31st March 2004, Radio Netherlands World Service has focused on Delft and Vermeer in a radio broadcast interview with Anthony Bailey, Philip Steadman and Kees Kaldenbach, recorded in 2004. The programme is called 'Six Ways to Vermeer' and is now available in a 40MB MP3 format on this web site.


.. Private Lectures and a Private Guided Tour by a noted Vermeer specialist. Vermeer. Rembrandt. Van Gogh.

Experience the fabulous Vermeer paintings in Amsterdam and The Hague in a new light. Imagine being received as a privileged guest of honor at the home of a Vermeer scholar, receiving a lecture or tour. English, German, Dutch, Japanese.

Vermeer liked maps. More on Mapmaking:

The Huber Birds eye view, 1777, of Vienna / Wien.

Missing maps in the Vermeer estate, see the Digital Vermeer House



Drs. Kaldenbach has lectured widely and has performed for CNN, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, DKR Danish national TV, NPS Dutch national TV, NTV Japanese national TV and other television and radio stations. Also interviews in Nishinippon (2012) and Yomiuri Shimbun (2004)

Please note: All materials presented on this 2000+ item web site are original and therefore copyrighted. If passages are quoted (in essays, dissertations, books or other works, written or otherwise) then references must be made in the proper way. That is, the quoted passages must be attributed to the author, and the source of the material (i.e. this website) must be cited.



This home page was first launched in 1997, during the early history of Internet. Last updated March 6, 2013.



April 2011. Kaldenbach is recipient of the WikiDelft prize. Clipping from the newspaper Haagsche Courant


Art historian in acton, 2013. BBC 4 TV programme shoot in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, March 28, 2013 just before the formal opening. Kaldenbach in red jacket. Behind the middle cameraman interviewer Andrew Graham-Dixon. The director approaching from the right.

Vermeer's art has many fascinating and hidden qualities. His motto could have been "The art is to conceal the art". In Latin: 'Ars est celare artem'. He plays with our perception. And makes us look at his painting again and again and makes us wonder and we stand there saying "Hmmm..." for five minutes in stead of just two seconds.



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