Spiering, called Silvercroon (c.1594/7-1652). Son of Francois
Spiering who ran the tapestry workshop.
Resident agent of the King of Sweden in The Hague, also art agent for Queen Christina. Inherited and displayed a "cunstcamer" (art cabinet) in 1638 which boasted many paintings by Gerard Dou; Joachim von Sandrart describes that because of Spiering's annual payment of 1000 guilders to Dou, Spieringhad first choice of all new paintings: this is called the right of first refusal.
Pieter Spiering lived at Guldecroon (Golden Crown), Oude Delft east side. Owned building on Lange Raamsteeg as well. Lived in The Hague most of the time.
Joachim von Sandrart describes him as a "unvergleichlige Liebhaber", an unparalelled art lover. He was visited by the Frenchman François Ogier who mentions him as a "homme curieux", amassing paintings of old and new masters, coins, objects of ivory, wax and brass, as well as art books with prints by Albracht Dürer, Lucas van Leyden and drawings by Raphael.
Illustration shows a portrait bust sculptured c. 1645-1650 by François Dieussart, coll. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. In the background of the photograph is a tapastry by the Spiering workshop.
Note. Mentioned by Jaap van der Veen in 'De Delftse kunstmarkt in de tijd van Vermeer" in De Hollandse Samenleving in de tijd van Vermeer, Zwolle/The Hague 1996, p. 133. GAD Huizenprotocol II 557, 558, III 774.
This page forms part of a large encyclopedic site on Delft. Research by Drs. Kees Kaldenbach (email). A full presentation is on view at
Launched 16 February 2005; Last update March 1, 2017. More info in the RKD site.