
Dirck Evertsz. van Bleyswijck 'junior' (1639-1681), Born to a prominent family, he travelled extensively in the 17 Provinces. He was a sheriff, orphan master, burgomaster, and author of a two-volume Delft history book. He lived in De dubbelde Sleutels (The Double Keys) on Oude Delft number 93, the proud owner of the large painted map of Delft, now in Prinsenhof, which shows the extent of the damage of the 1536 fire. See that picture at discussion of The Little Street.

His thoughts on war and peace in the military town of Delft: "It is chilling to see these houses spit out their innards so that all terribel instruments invented in order to shorten mans life are brought forward". But he sees the need to prepare for war during times of peace and he prays for the blessing of the Almighty.

"Yslijck is het als deze Huysen hare ingewanden (om soo te seggen) beginnen uyt te braecken en dat alle die schricklijcke instrumenten geinventeerd tot verkorting van 's menschen leven, te voorschijn worden gebragt." (citaat in Zwitser p. 16).


He owned the Map of the Great Fire in Delft, 1536. I am not allowed to reproduce the original in the Prinsenhof. Which is why I include a drawn copy from the Archives (GAD). In this upside-down image, east is on top.

Note: H.L. Zwitser, 'Delft als militaire stad' in De Stad Delft, cultuur en maatschappij van 1572-1667, Vol I, p. 15-17. Museum Prinsenhof Delft, 1981.

This page forms part of a large encyclopedic site on Delft. Research by Drs. Kees Kaldenbach (email). A full presentation is on view at

Launched 16 February 2005; Last update March 1, 2017. More info in the RKD site.