Friends4action, Tekst van Verklaring van vrijwaring

(onderaan staat ook een registratieformulier voor hosts, hostesses)


Formulier Vrijwaring Aansprakelijkheid, Nederlandse versie.

SVP laten invullen en ondertekenen door de cliënt bij ELKE activiteit voor Friends4action.

Ondergetekende, cliënt van Friends4action, ingeschreven bij KvK Amsterdam nr. 3419 6612,
verklaart aan 1) Friends4action en 2) aan de host(ess)

volledige vrijwaring te geven van de eventuele negatieve, materiële, immateriele, fysieke, geestelijke, of enige andere gevolgen van deze vandaag afgesproken activiteit:

_____________________________________________________________ .

Met name wordt Friends4action en de genoemde host(ess) door de ondergetekende cliënt gevrijwaard van alle juridische stappen, kosten en andere kosten en wettelijke aanspraken.

Cliënt is ingelicht over de aard van de activiteit en verklaart dat het Nederlandse recht van toepassing is.






Nummer van paspoort of rijbewijs





Bij een ongeval is te waarschuwen:


telefoon __________________________________


Drs. Kees Kaldenbach
Haarlemmermeerstraat 83 hs
1058 JS Amsterdam

tel 020 - 669 8119
mobiel 06 - 2868 9775

Bank ABN/Amro  58.xxxxxxxxx tnv. Lichaam & Ziel, Amsterdam
Bank Code BIC = ABNANL2A
Bank Code IBAN = NL79ABNA058xxxxxxxxx

KvK Amsterdam 3419 6612
BTW nummer NL0773.26.386.B01

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Registratie formulier voor hosts-hostesses

Werkbrief / declaratieformulier

Datum invulling                        _____________________________________

Datum opgestuurd                        _____________________________________

Datum ontvangst                        _____________________________________

Datum betaling                        _____________________________________

Host(ess)                        ______________________Artiestennaam _______________

Adres                                    _____________________________________
Woonplaats                        _____________________________________

Telefoon vast                        _____________________________________
Telefoon mobiel                        _____________________________________

E-mail                                    _____________________________________

Bankrekening nummer            _____________________________________


Naam cliënt                        _____________________________________

E-mail en telefoonnr cliënt   ____________________________________

Gewerkt op deze datum:             _____________________________________

Van (uur) tot (uur)             _____________________________________

Aantal uren en kwartieren:             _____________________________________

Afgesproken vergoeding            __________________per 4 uur ___________________

Extra tijd buiten de 4 uur ________________________________________

Totaal                                    _____________________________________

Aanbetaling verricht op             ________ per ________ bedrag _________

Afgerekend per:                          _____________________________________

(aanbetaling credit card (nummer datum, bedrag) ______________________

eindbetaling cash / credit card vooraf / credit card achteraf ______________
(let op: mogelijk is er inhoudings-percentage credit card bedrijf)


aan Friends4action
Drs. Kees Kaldenbach
Haarlemmermeerstraat 83 hs
1058 JS Amsterdam

tel 020 - 669 8119
mobiel 06 - 2868 9775

Bank ABN/Amro  58.xxxxxxx tnv. Lichaam & Ziel, Amsterdam


For further information please phone us or contact Specify your personal needs, date, time AND THE TELEPHONE NUMBERS of both your mobile telephone and hotel. We require a deposit by PayPal or by Credit Card. Our company is stable and trustworthy - that is why we have long standing contracts with VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

Money Back Guarantee: In case of cancellation during the first 15 minutes, your money is returned in full.



Terms and conditions.

When you book by phone or email at Friends4action you agree to the terms and conditions below:

Customers pay for both the host or hotesses' time AND for all tickets, transportation, consumptions and meals should they occur.

Contracts and agreements between Friends4action and the client become binding as soon as the client indicates that the booking is final.

At the very beginning of the meeting between client and host or hostess, clients must fill in and sign a paper containing the legal waiver text. This full waiver text is quoted on this link. If the client refuses to sign, the agreed meeting will be cancelled by Friends4action. Payments will not be returned.

Cancellations by the client must be announced by the client BOTH by telephone and email in order to be valid. Cancellations made by the client more than 24 hours ahead of the appointment result in money refunded except for a E 50,- fee. Cancellations made between 12 and 24 hours ahead result in 50% of the money being refunded, with a minimum of E 50,- fee. Cancellations made less than 12 hours ahead are at full cost to the client.

Cancellations made by Friends4action will result in a full refund of any and all amounts paid.

After the initial introduction, the customer reserves the right to terminate the agreement without charge within the first 15 minutes. Equally, in exceptional cases the host or hostess may refuse cooperation without any consequences.

At present, the Friends4action team consists of 11 women and 9 men available to join you for these various activities. We take your requests seriously and try to find the best possible contact to make your day wonderful. All appointments are tailor-made to fulfill your needs and requirements.

Only Dutch law is in effect. All text on this site is copyrighted.

*Small print: Friends4action is an agency for social activities - not an escort service for erotic purpouses. Nevertheless our hosts and hostesses are sparkling, vivacious, open-minded. Many have a background in Biodanza, which makes us open to heart-to-heart contact. We are open to communication, not an escort agency.

List 1 contains regular items

List 2 for extraordinary items

English version


Reaction, questions? Make a Booking? Read client testimonials. About Art Historian Drs. Kees Kaldenbach. A biography.

Menu of Drs Kees Kaldenbach Art History tours

Booking agency Friends4action, Drs. Kees Kaldenbach, art historian, kalden@xs4all.nlHaarlemmermeerstraat 83hs, 1058 JS Amsterdam (near Surinameplein, ring road exit s106, streetcar tram 1 and 17). Telephone 020 669 8119; cell phone 06 - 2868 9775.

Open seven days a week. Please refrain from calling between 11 PM and 8 AM, as we like to sleep then.

Parallel sites at and

Member of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel), .


Job openings! We are seeking more vivacious, intelligent hostesses and hosts. Registration fee is E 15,- plus postage. Please apply and have an interview!

Must have a company with VAT number.

Launched April 2, 2008. Updated June 14, 2011