Maarten Harpertsz Tromp (1598 - 1653). A man of simple origins, he rode in the navy ranks and became Admiral. Led various Dutch battles against the British fleet. May have lived at De Papegaey, at the site of Oude Delft nr 15-21.

This building with the long high roof and the slender tower is prominent on the left hand side of the View of Delft.

In 1655 his widow Cornelia Teding van Berckhout was involved in the erection of the impressive marble monument, after a Scamozzi design, in the Oude Kerk. It was finished in 1658. Below a detail of a painting completed in 1658 by Hendrick Cornelisz van Vliet. Cornelia is the aunt of Pieter Teding van Berkhout, lord of Zuylichem.

Note. GAD Huizenprotocol III 906, 907. See C.F. Gijsberti Hodenpijl, De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 1900, p. 212-217. Bredius, "Aanbesteding Tromp's Tombe" in Obreen, Archief, V, p. 62-66.

This page forms part of a large encyclopedic site on Delft. Research by Drs. Kees Kaldenbach (email). A full presentation is on view at

Launched 16 February 2001; Last update March 1, 2017.